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We offer a variety of face painting designs to fit your needs and budget!
Have a theme for your party? We have art to compliment!
"Fun & Fast" faces take 1-2 minutes, and are great for large events where you
want the lines to move quickly!
"Fantasy Faces" can be done in 3-5 minutes, depending on design.
Halloween and Costume Faces are available by appointment, and add the perfect touch to your character!
We have several Face Paint Artists available to handle any size venue!
Only FDA approved water-base paints are used... along with cosmetic-grade glitters.
We offer a wide range of designs for Glitter Tattoos!
If you have need of a special tattoo, with enough lead time, we can often have one custom designed for you! (Eg. company logos or school mascots).
Instructions below for removal of Face Paint & Glitter Tattoos
Face Painting & Glitter Tattoos

Meet some of our PJ Painters!
Each year our Clown Caravan is invited by The Clown Shop, LLC to paint faces to compliment the costumes of walkers in the Detroit Thanksgiving Parade. We wear our PJ's as we start at 4:00 am, painting several hundred participants, and are then back home by parade start time - snuggled up in our PJ's, ready to watch our art work on display!
A little bit about Face Paint... What it is - and the Lather to Lift Removal Technique
Face Paint is not really paint, but rather, it is make-up.
The product is water activated and washes off easily with a bit of soap and water. Baby wipes can also be used, but it typically takes some lather to lift the makeup from the skin.
Apply mild soap or shampoo to the area, and gently lather with fingers to loosen the color. Rinse with water and gently wipe with a damp, dark colored cloth.
Repeat if needed. If any residue, gently rub with moisturizer or baby oil.
We love to make our designs POP with jewels and glitter!
We only use cosmetic -grade glitter. This is a professional quality glitter that is specifically made for application on the skin.
Glitter Tattoos - Care and Removal
Properly cared for tattoos will last approximately 3 to 7 days, depending on the skin type and where the design is placed. They last longer on dry skin than on oily skin and they won't last as long if they get rubbed by your clothing.
To prolong the life of your tattoo, wash it gently with mild soap and NO cloth. Pat - Do Not Rub - the area dry. Glitter Tattoos can be removed by using rubbing alcohan, baby oil or lotion.